When I was a child, I loved learning. I was happy to learn new words and how to spell them. I competed in the school spelling bee. I took pride in my school assignments, and I was always willing to please the teacher. I loved language arts and social studies. I showed initiative, and excelled at self-paced study. I was at the top of my classes.
I have wanted to be a writer since I was nine years old. I started a novel back then: “The phone rang.” It was going to tell the story about three buddies who went off to war and came back heroes. The only professional experience I have had as a writer was a seven-week stint as Poet-in-Residence in the San Antonio Independent School District. Writing poems or lyrics comes easily to me. I’ve recently started a new novel called Resistless Day. It’s about an expat who returns to the U.S. and undergoes major life changes and finds it difficult to face each coming day.
As a teenager I became enraptured with the Christian faith. I read the Bible daily and believed that I was responsible for the souls of the whole world. I was very serious and sincere. I went on to study theology at a Bible College and finished with a Biblical Studies degree at a Christian liberal arts college. After working in a children’s ministry, I became disillusioned. I left the ministry and never turned back.
Then I tried different things. I did a stint in the U.S. Air Force as a personnel specialist. I moved to Tennessee to trace my family roots and ended up working as a juvenile probation officer. I tried making music in Florida. I went home to help look after my father when he had heart surgery, and found my career at a standstill. That’s when I ventured to northern Virginia and found work as a telecommunications engineer.
After a year at Global One, I transferred to the operations in Frankfurt, Germany. I spent thirteen years based there, mostly as a freelancer, and I had rich and varied experiences during my European adventure. I finally returned to the U.S. to avoid spending the rest of my life over there.
Now I am back in my own country. I have worked as a hospital orderly, child evangelist, construction worker, dishwasher, strolling guitarist, singer, telecommunications engineer, juvenile probation officer, database specialist, poet, and housekeeping attendant. I have visited more than 20 countries. I speak four languages. And I have had only the best of intentions. I wanted to be a good student. I wanted to tell stories. I wanted to inspire and encourage people with music. I wanted to save the world. I wanted to look after my father. I wanted to open my heart and mind to other cultures. I wanted to run my own business. So what’s next?
I still would like to reach my goals. I would like to be a professional writer. I would like to sing regularly. I would like to reach out to the world and inspire and encourage and help others. I would like to continue my international adventures. I am a man of the world. And I have a lot to share.
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